Monday, March 18, 2019


Even though our RFL event is on Friday, March 22nd, The Coo never really stops its fundraising for Relay. Each month the birthdays of Friends and Family of The Coo will be celebrated and acknowledged with a RFL fundraiser of some sort. So everyone who has a birthday in March is welcome to join in the fun as The Coo hosts another Pot Luck/Covered Dish Fundraiser on Sunday, March 24th, starting at 5:30pm. 

If you wish to participate (this celebration is open to everyone, not just the people with birthdays in March), all you need to do is let Sharon know you will be attending, bring a dish/plate of food to be shared and make a $10 donation to Relay for Life. There will be time for socializing, eating and having some good old fashion fun! 

Mark your calendars – yeehaw!