Monday, February 18, 2019

Classes Week of February 24th

Sunday, February 24, 2019
Water Color Painting (cupcake) w/Lisa
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Class fee $30
Lisa is a wonderful watercolorist and has the patience of a saint as well as a knack for teaching. She does provide templates for the projects so that participants can focus on learning how to paint with watercolors and NOT worry about drawing the images. Class size is limited to SEVEN participants and a minimum of THREE participants is required for the class to be held.

Recycled Book Binding w/Nadia
1:30pm – 5:00pm
Class fee $35
Join Nadia Peattie as she guides you through the process of creating books using recycled items such as old cassette tapes and other found items to create unique books and/or journals that will impress everyone who sees them! Class fee is $35, and Nadia’s workshop will change the way you look at “cast-offs” forever!

Monday, February 25, 2019
Altered Little Goldens w/Sharon  

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Classes week of February 17th

Sunday, February 17, 2019
Prisma Pencils w/Sharon             
2:00 - 5:00pm
Class fee $20
Does your coloring still look the way it did when you were a child??? Try spending a few hours with Sharon and learn a few tricks to help add a more professional and finished look to your coloring. Techniques for coloring and shading will be discussed and practiced.

Monday, February 18, 2019
Birthday Cards  w/Sharon        
10:00am – 1:30
Class fee $25
Everyone can use a stash of birthday cards so that when the occasion arises, a handmade card is ready and waiting! There will be a wonderful variety of cards, including several cards that are appropriate to give to boys and/or men. Participants will receive FIVE card packets. There will be time to work on cards in class, but those that do not finish will have instructions so the cards can be finished at home. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019
SMASH BOOK JAM w/Celeste    
10:00am – 1:00pm
Class fee $22
Have you ever wanted to put all of those photos and mementos in a book? Come and SMASH with Celeste. You will create a beautiful book of memories personalized for the occasion or person. Each month a new lesson is presented that covers such things as creating pockets for those mementos, fancy attachments, making a beautiful book cover, finishing the spine and other techniques just too numerous to list. This class just might be scrapbooking on Steroids! Smash Book Jam will be offered the third Wednesday of the month from 10:00am – 1:00pm. The cost is $22 (each month) and most materials are supplied. You must bring your own photos and smash book.

Friday, February 15, 2019
Water Color Painting (chicken)  w/Lisa
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Class fee $30
Lisa is a wonderful watercolorist and has the patience of a saint as well as a knack for teaching. She does provide templates for the projects so that participants can focus on learning how to paint with watercolors and NOT worry about drawing the images. Class size is limited to SEVEN participants and a minimum of THREE participants is required for the class to be held.

Saturday, February 23, 2019
Journal Jam w/Terry              
1:30pm – 5:00pm
Class fee $22

Terry Peattie conducts these monthly workshops, which currently consist of two groups (one group meets on the third Sunday, the other on the fourth Saturday of each month) with 10 members each. Each month a 2-page spread project is presented and taught involving various mixed media techniques. Those who are not regular members of the fixed groups are able to sign up to attend as a “guest” in the event that a regular member is unable to attend. Please contact Sharon or Terry if you are interested in signing up to have your name added to attend (possibly) as a guest.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Relay for Life Fundraiser - February 27th

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!! There is going to be yet another Relay for Life fundraiser, but this one you won't want to miss! 

The City of Alachua team has planned a fundraiser at Tony and Als Restaurant in Alachua on Wednesday, February 27th. Team Cootie Coo Creations is going to CRASH that fundraiser (actually we will support it full throttle) by hosting a Coo February Birthdays Celebration at 5:00pm that evening at Tony and Als. The money raised from people eating there (a donation that will be made by Tony & Als) will go to the City of Alachua team, but Team Cootie Coo will have its OWN private donation jar at our reserved table(s). 

Any member of The Coo Family who has a birthday in February is invited to join us in asking for "Donations to Relay for Life in lieu of gifts for our 2019 birthdays". Of course. EVERYONE is invited to meet us there and join in the celebration/fundraiser, but we will all be going "Dutch treat". 

So far Sandra Tipping Bass, Katie Avram and Sharon Kantor are known February birthday girls...who else out there is a February Babe? We expect a great turnout and will be reserving tables, so please let me know if you plan on joining in the fun! Donations for this fundraiser will be accepted ALL MONTH at The Coo, so feel free to plan on attending, make a donation and have a great time!!! Shane Bowlin will be making the birthday cake(s) and her cakes are GREAT!!! Write it down before you forget, Wednesday, February 27th, 5:00pm, Tony & Als in Alachua, Florida!! Donations made in the form of a check should have checks made out to the American Cancer Society. Thank you! Hope to see you there! Whoop whoop - what a hoot!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Classes week of February 10th

Sunday, February 10, 2019
Journal Jam w/Terry
1:30 – 5:00pm 
Class fee $22
Terry Peattie conducts these monthly workshops, which currently consist of two groups (one group meets on the third Sunday, the other on the fourth Saturday of each month) with 10 members each. Each month a 2-page spread project is presented and taught involving various mixed media techniques. Those who are not regular members of the fixed groups are able to sign up to attend as a “guest” in the event that a regular member is unable to attend. Please contact Sharon or Terry if you are interested in signing up to have your name added to attend (possibly) as a guest. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
A group of mixed media “junkies” who gather on a monthly basis to work on mixed media techniques and ongoing projects. Those who would like to give the group a try are welcome to join (you must make arrangements with Sharon), but everyone must take a turn at teaching a technique at some point. The charge is $5.00 a month.  

Friday, February 15, 2019
Water Color Painting (chicken)  w/Lisa
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Class fee $30
Lisa is a wonderful watercolorist and has the patience of a saint as well as a knack for teaching. She does provide templates for the projects so that participants can focus on learning how to paint with watercolors and NOT worry about drawing the images. Class size is limited to SEVEN participants and a minimum of THREE participants is required for the class to be held.

Saturday, February 16, 2019
Birthday Cards  w/Sharon        
10:00am – 1:30
2:00 - 5:00pm
Class fee $25
Everyone can use a stash of birthday cards so that when the occasion arises, a handmade card is ready and waiting! There will be a wonderful variety of cards, including several cards that are appropriate to give to boys and/or men. Participants will receive FIVE card packets. There will be time to work on cards in class, but those that do not finish will have instructions so the cards can be finished at home. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Class Schedule week of February 4th

Friday, February 8, 2019

Bookbinding Tutorial w/Nadia                      
10:00am – 2:00pm 
Class fee $20
Have you tried to learn bookbinding but keep forgetting how to stitch your book?? Then this tutorial is for you. Nadia Peattie is offering a 4-hour tutorial for those who need some practice and perhaps a bit of help with their stitching. More time can be spent with stitching if covers are already prepared before attending. Paper, needles and binding thread will be available.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Exploring Alcohol Inks w/Sharon                       
10:00am – 1:00pm 
2:00 - 5:00pm
Class fee $25
Join Sharon for an exploration of the multiple uses and applications of alcohol inks! There will be plenty of time for experimentation and participants will leave the class with a number of unique and beautiful projects. It is time to get down and dirty and see what all the fuss is about! All material provided.