This is a 2-day workshop on Saturday, October 8, and Sunday, October 9. Sue Monaghan invites you to come create two “Magical House” paintings that will fit into a specially made shadow box. When participants are finished, they will be able to slide the paintings in and out and change out the scenes to fit the holiday or season. The shadow boxes are handmade by a good friend of Sue’s and the craftsmanship of the boxes is excellent. Participants can continue to paint Magical Houses long after taking this workshop and change them out whenever they want. The boxes are deeper than the traditional shadow boxes so fairy furniture or dollhouse furniture will fit on the ledge. In this workshop, Sue will go over the basics of collage, talk about the products and explain why she uses the ones she uses. Everyone will paint, draw and doodle, but have NO FEAR! You do NOT have to be an artist because this workshop is all about fun and art. This is a great class for all levels of artists. The BEST part is that the (shadow) box ($35 retail value) is included in the price of the class, along with TWO 9x12 canvases. Participants just need to bring some of their favorite collage materials, some gel pens and any favorite brushes they might have. Bring your lunch each day and join SUE at The Coo for TWO days of ART, JOY and fellowship with other people exploring their creative side.