Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Coo's FIRST ever Mini Madness weekend,

It is almost here...The Coo's FIRST ever Mini Madness weekend, featuringSue Monaghan - whoop whoop! Fifteen people are registered for the workshops and it is going to be such a glorious, creative time! Here is a list of what participants need to bring with them for the workshops (participants may use the shop's supply of these items as long as they don't mind sharing; if participants prefer not to share these items, please bring (or purchase at the shop) the following:

BLACK Stabilo pencil
BLACK gel pen (Signo UM153 is great)
WHITE opaque/gel pen (Signo UM 153 is the BEST)
Assorted brushes (if you want; otherwise, use what is at the shop)
Apron (the shop has 10 aprons but Sunday morning's class has more than 10 in it)

We will also be using Caran d'Ache neocolor II water-soluble crayons. At the start of the workshop, everyone will be given a NEW set of 10 crayons to USE (NOTE: it is NOT a gift) during the workshop. At the conclusion of the workshop, participants are able to buy the set they have been using at a 10+% discount. The set retails for $22.99; but the slightly used set can be purchased for $20.00. Sets not purchased will become part of the shop's stash for future workshops, so there is no pressure to buy. If you have your own Neocolor crayons and wish to bring them, feel free to do so.

There are still a couple of openings (but NOT Sunday morning) in two of the workshops if you have been "on the fence" about registering.

It is not too late to order a boxed lunch if you have yet to do is just $10 and includes a sandwich, beverage, chips and dessert.

The Coo is going to be rocking this weekend!!!